Croup is an upper respiratory infection that most often is caused by the parainfluenza virus but can also be caused by RSV, COVID-19, influenza, and adenovirus, among other respiratory viruses. The cough and breathing that are associated with croup make it distinctly different from other viral colds or respiratory illnesses. This is because the symptoms associated with croup are primarily from irritation and inflamation of the voice box, the vocal cords, and the windpipe. The cough is worse at night, and it has a distinct bark that sounds much like a seal's bark. Associated with the barky cough, your child may have difficulty when inhaling air, making a labored and whistling sound when breathing in -- called stridor. Humidified air and fluids often are the most helpful treatments.Please call the office to have your child evaluated by the doctor if he/she has symptoms of croup.