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Update on Baby Formula Contaminants

Updated March 24, 2025

The original Consumer Reports article about Baby Formula: "We Tested 41 Baby Formulas for Lead and Arsenic"

Breakdown and analysis of the Consumer Reports article by Unbiased Science (Dr. Jess Steier, David Higgins, MD/MPH, and Jeff Dewey, MD/MHS): "Should We Cry Over Spilled Baby Formula"
Their summary:
"What Should Parents Do?
If you're currently using infant formula, consider these evidence-based recommendations:

1. Keep perspective: Environmental pollutants are unfortunately widespread in our food supply. The findings don't suggest that formula is suddenly unsafe if it wasn't before. Currently, pediatricians have not encountered an increase in heavy metal poisoning in formula-fed babies. To reduce exposure to heavy metals, if your baby is also on solid foods, offer a variety of fruits, veggies, and grains, and limit exposure to foods that tend to have higher levels of heavy metals, such as rice. (A note from co-author, Dr. Dina DiMaggio: The good news is that the majority of formulas tested at low levels of contamination, and thankfully, although we should always strive to be close to zero contamination, I have never had a baby with arsenic or mercury poisoning throughout my clinical practice.)

2. Check the list (Consumer Reports link above): Most standard formulas tested well, with low or undetectable levels of contaminants. If you're concerned, Consumer Reports published their complete findings, which you can reference.

3. Consult your pediatrician: If you're considering switching formulas, talk to your child's doctor first, especially if your baby is on a specialized formula for medical reasons. If concerned, your pediatrician can guide you on whether a change is indicated and ensure that if you change, you choose a similar type of formula.

4. Never attempt to make homemade formula or change the formula recipe: The risks of improper nutrition including severe health problems and even death far outweigh any potential benefits. Commercial infant formulas are specifically formulated to meet precise nutritional requirements according to strict FDA guidelines, with carefully balanced proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals essential for infant development. (One of our co-authors, Dr. David Higgins shared that he has hospitalized several babies whose parents tried homemade formula and sadly even saw one die.)

5. Use clean water: If mixing powdered formula, ensure you're using properly filtered or tested water, especially if you use well water."
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